Once the user account is blocked from the QA team. Designated person from Fusion Mukul and Techno Task XXXXXX will initiate the return from the system.

After the product is picked up the agent will fill the Cashgram form and inform the user that the refund will be processed via CashFree application within 24 hrs. 


Agent has to inform the user that after we initiate the refund via this application, the user will receive a link in their WhatsApp message, SMS and in email. This link will be valid for the next 7 days. On tapping this link, users will receive different payment receiving options such as UPI, Wallet or bank account. Amount will be transferred immediately.



Response Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WW1BSVJswDMFUkqG6_rK8wy9XmZ1DysQQ6Ia9DlzcZQ/edit#gid=958907942

In case if the link is expired and user contacts us again please fill the form by selecting " Reinitiation" under attempt field 

Note: Refund amount has to be entered properly in case of wrong amounts processed or wrong details filled in the form will take action as per CMM policy.

Canned response: Unconsented order- CashFree payment option